Many things happened since last, but thank you 2024!

Many things happened since last, but thank you 2024!

For the first, beeing able to work with the Japonese team for the Herbal Cup was one of the most amazing possibility i have lived, getting to know the culture, their traditions and ceremonies, thank you Hideo San and Mikki ofr sharing with me your culture. 

Then a fantastic competition in Bussolo, Friends Challenge, a modern classic waving competion, taking the 4th place. Thank you Ricardo and Enrico, i loved it.

After that, I also have to mention my road trip to Satama for the Grand Master aufguss, a big gathering for the most legendary aufgusses to be seen. Thank you Aufguss Roots, Robert, Iza and Lukasz. 

The trip was completed with a little danish turist visit in Danemark, among my vikings brothers. Thank you Anders. 

I have to also keep going with the vikings as the Midgarsblot festival was as always, amazing. 

The Aufguss WM in Bussolo again, was a blast, working for Aromen and testing all the new smoke ritual products, Thank you Martjin and team Aromen, proud to be a Loyly Master!

The Herbal Cup in Norway and in Tcheque Republic was there to crown those years of knowledge and ending up at the 2nd place was a fantastic surprise. Thank you Pavel Hoffrichter and your team.

During these three last years with my partners in crime, i have been leading the ceremonies of the Fullmoon in Alda at Farris Bad, it has- is- and will be one of my favourite ceremony, and i am so happy and glad i can share these unforgettable moments wit both Lasse and Axel. Big love to you both. 

Thank you Farris Bad for the support i get from you and the possibilities to have courses and a second home. 

All this would not be possible without the support of my wife and two lovely daughters, to whom i am deeply gratefull. Love you.
Big love to my parents and family in Switzerland too. 

I have certainly forgotten some events and friends, but you are all in my heart.Thank you for your understanding.


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